佘华君博士,2001年获得上海交通大学工业管理工程与自动控制学士学位,2004年获得上海交通大学控制理论与控制工程硕士学位,2014年获得美国犹他大学电子与计算机工程系博士学位,2015年加入美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心先进影像研究中心及医学影像诊断学系进行博士后研究,2018年加入PC28开奖网 ,研究方向是磁共振成像及人工智能图像处理等,研究特点是结合人工智能,图像处理,数学优化和并行计算,实现快速高清晰度实时图像处理及医学图像分析,在脑髓鞘成像,4D动态成像,化学交换饱和转移成像,定量磁化率成像,水脂分离成像等领域取得了一系列研究成果,发表Medical Image Analysis,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,Neuroimage,Computers in Biology and Medicine,Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery,Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,NMR in Biomedicine,Magnetic Resonance Imaging等权威学术期刊二十余篇,会议论文三十余篇,国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)会员,国际华人医学磁共振学会(OCSMRM)会员,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging等期刊审稿人,获得国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)Magnetic Resonance in Medicine期刊Distinguished Reviewer Award,国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)Travel Stipend等奖项.
1. Wang Z, She H*, Zhang Y, Du YP. Parallel Non-Cartesian Spatial-Temporal Dictionary Learning Neural Networks (stDLNN) for Accelerating 4D-MRI. Medical Image Analysis. 2023;84:102701.
2. Chen Q, She H*, Du YP*. Whole Brain Myelin Water Mapping in One Minute using Tensor Dictionary Learning with Low-Rank Plus Sparse Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2021;40:1253-1266.
3. Feng R, Wu Q, Feng J, She H, Liu C, Zhang Y, Wei H*. IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2023;43:1539-1553.
4. Feng W, Ding Z, Chen Q, She H*, Du YP*. Whole Brain Multiparametric Mapping in Two Minutes using a Dual-Flip-Angle Stack-Of-Stars Blipped Multi-Gradient-Echo Acquisition. Neuroimage. 2024;120689.
5. Qu B, Zhang J, Kang T, Lin J, Lin M, She H, Wu Q, Wang M, Zheng G*. Radial Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with a Deep Unrolled Projected Fast Iterative Soft-thresholding Network. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2024;168:107707.
6. Chen Q, She H, Du YP*. Improved Quantification of Myelin Water Fraction Using Joint Sparsity of T2* Distribution. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2020;52:146-158.
7. Liu B, She H*, Du YP*. Scan-specific Unsupervised Highly Accelerated Non-Cartesian CEST Imaging using Implicit Neural Representation and Explicit Sparse Prior. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2024.
9. Li B, She H*. Improved Motion Correction in Brain MRI using 3D Radial Trajectory and Projection Moment Analysis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024;92:1617-1631.
11. Zhang Y, She H*, Du YP. Dynamic MRI of the Abdomen Using Parallel Non-Cartesian Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021;86:964-973.
12. She H, Greer JS, Zhang S, Li B, Keupp J, Madhuranthakam A, Dimitrov IE, Lenkinski RE, Vinogradov E*. Accelerated CEST Imaging with Parallel Blind Compressed Sensing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2019;81:504-513.
13. She H, Chen RR, Liang D, DiBella E, Ying L*. Sparse BLIP: Blind Iterative Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2014;71:645-660.
14. Ding Z, She H*, Du YP*. Reduction of ringing artifacts induced by diaphragm drifting in free-breathing dynamic pulmonary MRI using 3D koosh-ball acquisition. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024.
15. Ding Z, Cheng Z, She H, Liu B, Yin Y, Du YP*. Dynamic Pulmonary MRI using Motion-State Weighted Motion-Compensation (MostMoCo) Reconstruction with Ultrashort TE: A Structural and Functional Study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2022;88:224-238.
16. Li S, Wang Z, Ding Z, She H*, Du YP*. Accelerated 4D Free-breathing Whole-liver Water-fat MRI with Deep Dictionary Learning and Chemical Shift Modeling. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. 2024;14:2884-2903.
17. Li B, Ding Z, She H*. Fast T2 Mapping of Short-T2 Tissues in Knee Using 3D Radial Dual-Echo Balanced Steady-State Free Precession. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2024;107:149-159.18. She H, Chen RR, Liang D, DiBella E, Ying L*. Image Reconstruction from Phased-Array Data Based on Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2015;33:1106-1113.
20. Mao X, Chen R, She H, Boroujeny F*. Decorrelation MIMO Receiver for Block Fading Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 2013;17:2112-2115.
21. She H, Chen R, Liang D, Chang Y, Ying L. Image Reconstruction from Phased-Array MRI Data Based on Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 2010:760-763.
22. She H, Chen R, Liang D, DiBella E, Ying L. Simultaneous Image Reconstruction and Sensitivity Estimation. In Parallel MRI Using Blind Compressed Sensing. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 2012:876-879.
23. She H, Chen RR, DiBella E, Schabel M, Leslie Ying. Highly Accelerated Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI With Temporal Constrained Reconstruction. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2014:2408-2411.
24. Wang M, She H, Du YP. Accelerated Dynamic Renal Phase-Contrast MRI using A Score-based Diffusion Network. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE). 2023:54-58.
25. Wang Z, She H, Du YP. Learning-based k-Space Weighted Image Contrast (L-KWIC) for Golden Angle Radial Dynamic MRI. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE). 2021:20-25.
26. Shen C, She H, Du YP. Improved Robustness in Water-Fat Separation in MRI using Conditional Adversarial Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE). 2020:31-35.
27. Yan K, She H. Field Map Estimation in MRI using Compressed Sensing Algorithm. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE). 2019:29-32.
28. Chen X, Zhang Y, She H, Du YP. Reference-free Correction for the Nyquist Ghost in Echo-planar Imaging using Deep Learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE). 2019:49-53.
29. Wu S, She H, Wang Z, Tong L, Wang Z, Du YP. Accelerated Free-Breathing Phase Contrast Cardiovascular MRI using Spatial-Temporal Dictionary Learning Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (ICBIP). 2024:Z1002.
30. Mao W, Bai X, She H. A Multi-perspective Monitoring Engine for Hybrid Networks. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE). 2009:212-215.
31. Yang R, Dai W, She H, Du YP, Wu D, Xiong H. Spatial-Temporal DAG Convolutional Networks for End-to-End Joint Effective Connectivity Learning and Resting-State fMRI Classification. NeurIPS: Temporal Graph Learning Workshop. New Orleans, 2023.
32. She H, Chen Q, Li S, Yan K, Chen X, Chen X, Feng Y, Keupp J, Lenkinski RE, Vinogradov E, Du YP. Accelerate Parallel CEST Imaging with Dynamic Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Montreal, 2019, p. 142.
33. She H, Wang X, Zhang S, Ercan E, Keupp J, Madhuranthakam A, Dimitrov IE, Lenkinski R and Vinogradov E. Accelerating CEST with Patch-based Global Orthogonal Dictionary Learning. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Paris, 2018, p. 5111.
34. She H, Zhang S, Wang X, Ercan E, Keupp J, Madhuranthakam A, Dimitrov IE, Lenkinski R and Vinogradov E. Accelerated CEST Imaging with Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Paris, 2018, p. 5112.
35. She H, Ercan E, Zhang S, Wang X, Keupp J, Madhuranthakam A, Dimitrov IE, Lenkinski R and Vinogradov E. Accelerating 3D CEST Imaging with Low Rank Sparse Reconstruction. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Paris, 2018, p. 5113.
36. She H, Greer JS, Wang X, Vinogradov E, Madhuranthakam A. Accelerated 3D Arterial Spin Labeling using Cartesian Acquisition with Spiral Reordering and Compressed Sensing. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Honolulu, 2017, p. 1414.
37. She H, Li B, Greer JS, Keupp J, Madhuranthakam A, Dimitrov IE, Lenkinski RE and Vinogradov E. Accelerated CEST Imaging with Parallel Blind Compressed Sensing. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Honolulu, 2017, p. 195.
38. She H, Li B, Greer JS, Keupp J, Dimitrov IE, Madhuranthakam A, Lenkinski RE and Vinogradov E. Accelerating CEST Imaging with Experimental Undersampling and Compressed Sensing. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Honolulu, 2017, p. 3766.
39. She H, Li B, Lenkinski R, Vinogradov E. Accelerating CEST imaging with spatial‐temporal sparse dictionary learning. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Singapore, 2016, p. 2904.
40. She H, Chen R, Liang D, DiBella E, Ying L. Sparse BLIP: Compressed Sensing with Blind Iterative Parallel Imaging. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Melbourne, 2012, p. 2235.
41. She H, Chen R, Liang D, Chang Y, Ying L. Image Reconstruction from Phased-Array MRI Data Based on Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Stockholm, 2010, p. 4908.
42. Liu B, She H, Du YP. Highly Accelerated CEST Imaging with Stack-of-stars Acquisition using Unsupervised Implicit Neural Representation Networks. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Singapore, 2024. p. 1092.
43. Ding Z, She H, Du YP. Reducing Ringing Artifacts in Dynamic Pulmonary MRI With a Golden-Step Based Interleaving Approach For 3D Ultra-Short TE Acquisition. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Singapore, 2024.p. 3286.
44. Feng W, Ding Z, Chen Q, She H, Du YP. Whole Brain Multiparametric Mapping in Two Minutes Using a Dual-Flip-Angle Stack-of-Stars Blipped Multi-Gradient-Echo Acquisition. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Singapore, 2024. p. 0573.
45. Li B, She H. Fast and Generalized Motion Correction in Brain MRI using 3D Radial Trajectory and Projection Moment Analysis. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Singapore, 2024. p. 5005.
46. Wang Z, She H, Du YP. Parallel Non-Cartesian Spatial-Temporal Dictionary Learning Neural Networks (stDLNN) for Accelerating Dynamic MRI. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Toronto, 2023, p. 3113.
47. Liu B, She H, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Du YP. Residual Non-local Attention Graph Learning (PNAGL) Neural Networks for Accelerating 4D-MRI. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. London, 2022, p. 4332.
48. Liu B, She H, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Du YP. Dynamic MRI Reconstruction of the Whole Liver with High Acceleration using Low Rank Tensor and Weighted Group Sparsity. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. London, 2022, p. 4186.
49. Li B, She H, Chen Q, Wang Z, Du YP. Accelerating Myelin Water Content Quantification using Deep Non-Local Sparse Model. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. London, 2022, p. 2972.
50. Yan K, She H, Du YP. Simultaneous ADC Mapping and Water-Fat Separation with B0 Correction Using a Rosette Acquisition. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. London, 2022, p. 1041.
51. Chen Q, She H, Wang Z, Du YP. Global and Local Deep Dictionary Learning Network for Accelerating the Quantification of Myelin Water Content. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Online, 2021, p. 2163.
52. Chen Q, She H, Du YP. Accelerating Quantification of Myelin Water Fraction with Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor in the Feature Domain. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Online, 2021, p. 2815.
53. Chen Q, She H, Zhang M, Wei H, Du YP. Simultaneous Mapping of Myelin Water Fraction and Quantitative Susceptibility of whole brain. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Online, 2021, p. 3053.
54. Ding Z, She H, Du YP. Improving iMoCo through Group-wise Registration and Motion State Weighted Reconstruction. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Online, 2021, p. 3232.
55. Zhang Y, Wang Z, Chen Q, Li S, Ding Z, Shen C, Chen X, Yan K, Zhang C, Zhou X, Du YP, She H. Dynamic Real-time MRI with Deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks and Non-Cartesian Fidelity. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Paris, 2020, p. 999.
56. Li S, Chen X, Yan K, Chen X, Gong X, Xu J, Liu Q, Chen Q, She H, Du YP. Dynamic 3D Lung MRI Using the Stack-Of-Stars Sequence with SI Navigation. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Montreal, 2019, p. 4101.
57. Yan K, Zufiria B, Singer A, Chen X, Yang Z, Li S, Qiu S, She H, Sun B, Du YP, Liang ZP, Feng Y. A Novel Feature Based Image Reconstruction for Neuro-Interventional MRI. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Montreal, 2019, p. 136.
58. Li B, She H, Zhang S, Keupp J, Dimitrov IE, Montillo A, Madhuranthakam A, Lenkinski RE, Vinogradov E. Image Registration with Structuralized Mutual Information: Application to CEST. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Honolulu, 2017, p. 1293.
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