PC28开奖网 长聘轨副教授,博士生导师。于2012年获美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯博士学位,先后于华盛顿大学医学院、麻省理工学院、波士顿儿童医院进行博士后研究。主要研究领域包括:分子影像、代谢影像的成像方法开发;多模态影像融合及其在脑疾病诊疗方面的应用等。以药物难治性癫痫为例,课题组基于同步PET/MR及颅内脑电构建全脑代谢网络、功能网络、及致痫网络,利用多模态信息提升癫痫病灶定位的准确度,并进行预后预测。迄今为止在包括PNAS、European Radiology、NeuroImage、MRM、ISMRM、MICCAI等顶级期刊与会议发表英文学术论文80余篇,论文总计被引用900余次,发明专利授权4项。在第24届国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)年会上被授予青年会士(Junior Fellow),获第8届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛高教主赛道国际项目优秀创新创业导师称号。获国家科技部(子课题负责人)、国家自然基金委(主持)、上海市科委(主持)、上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金(参与)支持。为多家杂志审稿,如《European Radiology》、《Magnetic Resonance in Medicine》、《IEEE-Transactions on Medical Imaging》等。
2003-2007 北京大学化学与分子工程学院 本科
2007-2012 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学 博士
2012-2013 华盛顿大学医学院 博士后
2013-2016 麻省理工学院 博士后
2015-2016 哈佛医学院附属波士顿儿童医院 博士后
1. H. Huang, M. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Li, W. Jin, R. Guo, W. Liu, B. Cai, J. Li, S. Yuan, X. Huang, X. Lin, Z-P. Liang, B. Li, and J. Luo, Simultaneous high-resolution whole-brain MR spectroscopy and [18F]FDG PET for temporal lobe epilepsy. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00259-023-06465-0.
2. B. Cai, S. Jiang, H. Huang, J. Li, L. Chen, J. Luo, Improved detection of epileptogenic zone for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy using combined [18F] FMZ and [18F] FDG PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2023, 64(supplement 1):P163.
3. M. Tian, X. Mu, D. Fan, Z. Liu, Q. Liu, K. Yue, Z. Song, J. Luo, S. Zhang, A Transformable Mucoadhesive Microgel Network for Noninvasive Multimodal Imaging And Radioprotection of a Large Area of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(40):2303436.
4. M. Zhang, H. Huang, W. Liu, L. Tang, Q. Li, J. Wang, X. Huang, X. Lin, H. Meng, J. Wang, S. Zhan, B. Li, and J. Luo, Combined quantitative T2 mapping and [18F]FDG PET could improve lateralization of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. European Radiology, 2022, 32(9): 6108-6117.
5. L. Tang, Y. Zhao, Y. Li, R. Guo, B. Clifford, G. El Fakhri, C. Ma, Z-P. Liang, J. Luo, Accelerated J-resolved 1 H-MRSI with limited and sparse sampling of (k,t1,t2) -space. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021, 85(1):30-41.
6. J. Luo, E. Abaci Turk, B. Gagoski, N. Copeland, I. Y. Zhou, V. Young, C. Bibbo, J. N. Robinson, C. Zera, W. H. Barth, D. J. Roberts, P. Z. Sun, P. E. Grant, Preliminary evaluation of dynamic glucose enhanced MRI of the human placenta during glucose tolerance test. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2019, 9(10):1619-1627.
7. J. Luo#, E. Abaci Turk#, C. Bibbo, B. Gagoski, D. J. Roberts, M. Vangel, C. M. Tempany-Afdhal, C. Barnewolt, J. Estroff, A. Palanisamy, W. H. Barth, C. Zera, N. Malpica, P. Golland, E. Adalsteinsson, J. N. Robinson, P. E. Grant, In Vivo Quantification of Placental Insufficiency by BOLD MRI: A Human Study. Scientific Reports, 2017.
8. E. Abaci Turk#, J. Luo#, B. Gagoski, J. Pascau, C. Bibbo, J. N. Robinson, P. E. Grant, E. Adalsteinsson, P. Golland, N. Malpica, Spatiotemporal Alignment of In Utero BOLD-MRI Series. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/jmri.25585.
9. J. Luo, D. A. Yablonskiy, C. F. Hildebolt, S. Lancia, and, A. H. Cross*, Gradient echo MRI correlates with clinical measures and allows visualization of veins within multiple sclerosis lesions. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2014; 20:349-355.
10. J. Luo, X. He and D. A. Yablonskiy*, Nature of MR Signal Frequency Shift in White Matter ‐ Experimental Validation of Generalized Lorentzian Approach. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014; 71: 1251-1263.
国际医学磁共振学会 (ISMRM)青年会士
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