
  • 李力

    研究员,博士生导师。北京大学学士,军事医学科学院博士,英国牛津大学博士后,曾任军事医学科学院助理研究员,中国科学院副研究员。在Nat GenetCancer Cell Nat Cell BiolGutHepatologyNat Commun(x4)、Genes DevPNAS等国际著名期刊发表40多SCI论文。其中以第一或通讯作者发表30篇,累计影响因子大于310目前担任国际学术期刊Biomolecules & Biomedicine编委,《生物医学工程学进展》杂志青年编委,Adv. Sci.Cancer Lett.Transl Oncol特约审稿人。


    Tel: 021-62933629

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1.      Rao H#, Wang A#, Xu Y, Feng W, Ma C, Wang Z, Zhang W, Su W, Gao WQ, Ding X*, Li L*. Ribosome homeostasis regulated by SETD2 preserves cell junctions and safeguards intestinal barrier. (*Co-corresponding author, in preparation)

2.      Feng W#, Liu N#, Liu C, Rao H, Zhang W, Xu Y, Aji R, Wang Z, Gao WQ, Li L*. NSD2 promotes cell durotaxis and drives the transition from PKD to tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma through integrin/FAK/AKT signaling. (*Corresponding author, in preparation)

3.      Fu L#, Kuerban A#, Han W#, Hu D#, Shi C, Chen K, Chen H, Hu X, Wang X, Wang X, He J, Zhang L, Zhuang T, Shi K, Ouyang K, Li J, Bao Z, Shou W, Li L*, Qu X*, Cai CL*, Ye M*. Deficit of hepatocellular SETD2-mediated histone methylation predisposes to abdominal aortic aneurysm. (*Co-corresponding author, submitted to Cardiovasc. Res.)

4.      Zhang W, Feng W, Ma C, Rao H, Liu C, Xu Y, Wang Z, Aji R, Liu N, Gao WQ, Li L*. The histone methyltransferase NSD2 suppresses the formation of HCC through OXPHOS / PD-L1 axis. (*Corresponding author, submitted to Cancer Res.)

5.      Wang Z#, Xu Y#, Wang D, Feng W, Rao H, Zhang W, Liu N, Aji R, Gao WQ*, Li L*. NSD2 deficiency disrupts the epigenetic landscape of auditory cells to enhance ECM expression and perturbs cochlear hair cell development. (*Co-corresponding author, Adv. Sci., Under Review)

6.      Aji R, Xu Y, Wang Z, Feng W, Gui L, Rao H, Zhang W, Liu N, Gao WQ, Li L*. Targeted Delivery of Grem1 and IL-10 by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Effectively Mitigates SETD2-Deficient Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (*Corresponding author, Theranostics. Accepted)

7.      Xu Y#, Xiao X#, Ma C, Wang Z, Feng W, Rao H, Zhang W, Liu N, Aji R, Meng X, Gao WQ*, Li L*. Epithelial NSD2 maintains FMOs-mediated taurine biosynthesis to prevent intestinal barrier disruption. Clin. Transl. Med., 2024; 14(12): e70128. (*Co-corresponding author)

8.      Feng W#, Niu N#, Lu P, Rao H, Chen Z, Zhang W, Ma C, Liu C, Xu Y, Gao WQ, Xue J*, Li L*. Multilevel regulation of NF-κB signaling by NSD2 suppresses Kras-driven pancreatic tumorigenesis. Adv. Sci. (Weinh), 2024; 11(30): e2309387. (*Co-corresponding author)

9.      Rao H, Liu C, Wang A, Ma C, Xu Y, Ye T, Su W, Zhou P, Gao WQ, Li L*, Ding X*. SETD2 Deficiency Accelerates Sphingomyelin Accumulation and Promotes the Development of Renal Cancer. Nat. Commun., 2023; 14(1): 7572. (*Co-corresponding author)

10.   Feng W#, Ma C#, Rao H, Zhang W, Liu C, Xu Y, Aji R, Wang Z, Xu J, Gao WQ, Li L*. Setd2 deficiency promotes gastric tumorigenesis through inhibiting the SIRT1/FOXO pathway. Cancer Lett., 2023; 579: 216470. (*Corresponding author)

11.   Ma C, Liu M, Feng W, Rao H, Zhang W, Liu C, Xu Y, Wang Z, Teng Y, Yang X, Ni L, Xu J, Gao WQ, Lu B*, Li L*. Loss of SETD2 aggravates colorectal cancer progression caused by SMAD4 deletion through the RAS/ERK signaling pathway. Clin. Transl. Med., 2023; 13(11): e1475. (*Co-corresponding author)

12.   Liu C#, Ni L#, Li X, Rao H, Zhu Y, Feng W, Zhang W, Ma C, Xu Y, Gui L, Wang Z, Aji R, Xu J, Gao WQ, Li L*. SETD2 deficiency promotes renal fibrosis through the TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway in the absence of VHL. Clin. Transl. Med., 2023; 13(11): e1468. (*Corresponding author)

13.   Ding Z#, Cai T#, Tang J, Sun H, Qi X, Zhang Y, Ji Y, Yuan L, Chang H, Ma Y, Zhou H, Li L*, Sheng H*, Qiu J*. Setd2 supports GATA3+ST2+ thymic-1 derived Tregs and suppresses intestinal inflammation. Nat. Commun., 2022; 13(1): 7468. (*Co-corresponding author)

14.   Chang J, Ji X, Deng T, Qiu J, Ding Z, Li Z, Ma Y, Hu X, Li L*, Qiu J*. Setd2 determines distinct properties of intestinal ILC3 subsets to regulate intestinal immunity. Cell Rep., 2022; 38(11): 110530. (*Co-corresponding author)

15.   Chen Y, Liu M, Wang W, Li L*, Lin GN*. Loss of Setd2 associates with aberrant microRNA expression and contributes to inflammatory bowel disease progression in mice. Genomics, 2021; 113(4): 2441-54. (*Co-corresponding author)

16.   Liu M, Rao H, Liu J, Li X, Feng W, Gui L, Tang H, Xu J, Gao WQ*, Li L*. The Histone Methyltransferase SETD2 Modulates Oxidative Stress to Attenuate Experimental Colitis. Redox Biol., 2021; 43: 102004. (*Co-corresponding author)

17.   Rao H, Li X, Liu M, Liu J, Feng W, Tang H, Xu J, Gao WQ*, Li L*. Multi-level regulation of β-catenin activity by SETD2 suppresses the transition from polycystic kidney disease to clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Res., 2021; 81(13): 3554-67. (*Co-corresponding author)

18.   Li X, Liu C, Zhu Y, Rao H, Liu M, Gui L, Feng W, Tang H, Xu J, Gao WQ, Li L*. Setd2 Epidermal Deficiency Promotes Cutaneous Wound Healing via Activation of AKT/mTOR Signaling. Cell Proliferat., 2021; 54(6): e13045. (*Corresponding author)

19.   Li Y#, Tang H#*, Chen F#, Chen J, Wang H, Chen Z, Duan Y, Wang X, Li L*, Ouyang K*. SETD2 is essential for terminal differentiation and enucleation of erythroblasts during fetal erythropoiesis. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co., 2021; 552: 98-105. (*Co-corresponding author)

20.   Chen F, Chen J, Wang H, Tang H, Li Y, Huang L, Wang X, Fang X, Liu J, Li L*, Ouyang K*, Han Z*. Histone lysine methyltransferase SETD2 regulates coronary vascular development in embryonic mouse hearts. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2021; 9: 651655. (*Co-corresponding author)

21.   Wang W, Zhao J, Song W, Li L* and Lin GN*. Alternatively splicing interactomes identify RPL10 as a novel isoform-specific partner for NSD2. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2021; 9: 612019. (*Co-corresponding author)

22.   Li XJ, Li QL, Ju LG, Zhao C, Zhao LS, Du JW, Wang Y, Zheng L, Song BL, Li LY, Li L*, Wu M*. Deficiency of Histone Methyltransferase SET Domain-Containing 2 in Liver Leads to Abnormal Lipid Metabolism and HCC. Hepatology, 2021; 73(5): 1797-815. (*Co-corresponding author)

23.   Liu J#, Feng W#, Liu M, Rao H, Li X, Teng Y, Yang X, Xu J, Gao WQ, Li L*. Stomach-specific c-Myc overexpression drives gastric adenoma in mice through AKT/mTOR signaling. Bosnian J Basic Med., 2020; 21(4): 434-46. (*Corresponding author)

24.   Rao H#, Li X#, Liu M, Liu J, Li X, Xu J, Li L*, Gao WQ*. Di-Ras2 Promotes Renal Cell Carcinoma Formation by Activating the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway in the Absence of von Hippel-Lindau. Oncogene, 2020; 39(19): 3853-66. (*Co-corresponding author)

25.   Niu N#, Lu P#, Yang Y, He R, Zhang L, Shi J, Wu J, Yang M, Zhang ZG, Wang LW, Gao WQ, Habtezion A, Xiao GG, Sun YW*, Li L*, Xue J*. Loss of Setd2 promotes Kras-induced acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and epithelia-mesenchymal transition during pancreatic carcinogenesis. Gut, 2020; 69(4): 715-26. (*Co-corresponding author)

26.   Liu M#, Sun T#, Li N, Peng J, Fu D, Li W, Li L*, Gao WQ*. BRG1 Attenuates Colonic Inflammation and Tumorigenesis through Autophagy-dependent Oxidative Stress Sequestration. Nat. Commun., 2019; 10(1): 4614. (*Co-corresponding author)

27.   Ji Z, Sheng Y, Miao J, Li X, Zhao H, Wang J, Cheng C, Wang X, Liu K, Xu L, Yao J, Shen L, Hou J, Zhou W, Sun J*, Li L*, Gao WQ*, Zhu HH*. The histone methyltransferase Setd2 is indispensable for V(D)J recombination. Nat. Commun., 2019; 10(1): 3353. (*Co-corresponding author)

28.   Xu Q#, Xiang Y#, Wang Q#, Wang L#, Brind’Amour J, Bogutz AB, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yu G, Xia W, Du Z, Huang C, Ma J, Zheng H, Li Y, Liu C, Walker CL, Jonasch E, Lefebvre L, Wu M, Lorincz MC, Li W*, Li L*, Xie W*. SETD2 regulates the maternal epigenome, genomic imprinting and embryonic development. Nat. Genet., 2019; 51(5): 844-56. (*Co-corresponding author)

29.   Wang L#, Niu N#, Li L#, Shao R, Ouyang H, Zou W*. H3K36 trimethylation mediated by SETD2 regulates the fate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. PLoS Biol., 2018; 16(11): e2006522. (#Co-1st author)

30.   Zuo X#, Rong B#, Li L#, Lv R, Lan F*, Tong MH*. The histone methyltransferase Setd2 is required for expression of acrosin-binding protein 1 and protamines and essential for spermiogenesis in mice. J Biol. Chem., 2018; 293(24): 9188-97. (#Co-1st author)

31.   Sun L, Li B, Su X, Chen G, Li Y, Yu L, Li L*, Wei W*. A Ursolic Acid-derived Small Molecule Triggers Cancer Cell Death Through Hyperstimulation of Macropinocytosis. J Med. Chem., 2017; 60(15): 6638-48. (*Co-corresponding author)

32.   Shi Y, Sun L, Chen G, Zheng D, Li L*, Wei W*. A combination of the telomerase inhibitor, BIBR1532, and taxol synergistically inhibit cell proliferation in breast cancer cell lines. Target. Oncol., 2015; 10(4): 565-73. (*Co-corresponding author)

33.   Li L#, Wang D#, Xue M#, Mi X, Liang Y, Wang P*. 3'UTR shortening identifies high-risk prostate cancers with targeted dysregulation of ceRNA netwok. Sci. Rep., 2014; 4: 5406. (#Co-1st author)

34.   Mould A#, Morgan MA#, Li L#, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ*. Blimp1/Prdm1 governs terminal differentiation of endovascular trophoblast giant cells and defines multipotent progenitors in the developing placenta. Genes Dev., 2012; 26(18): 2063-74. (#Co-1st author)

35.   Li L#, Deng B#, Xing G, Teng Y, Tian C, Cheng X, Yin X, Yang J, Gao X, Zhu Y, Zhang L*, Yang X*, He F*. PACT is a negative regulator of p53 and essential for cell growth and embryonic development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2007; 104(19): 7951-6. [Comment: PACT regulates p53 controlled network of genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., In this issue, 2007; 104(19): 7731-2] (#Co-1st author)

36.   Yuan H, Han Y, Wang X, Li N, Liu Q, Yin Y, Wang H, Pan L, Li L, Song K, Qiu T, Pan Q, Chen Q, Zhang G, Zang Y, Tan M, Zhang J, Li Q, Wang X, Jiang J, Qin J. SETD2 Restricts Prostate Cancer Metastasis by Integrating EZH2 and AMPK Signaling Pathways. Cancer Cell., 2020; 38(3): 350-65.e7.

37.   Tian C, Xing G, Xie P, Lu K, Nie J, Wang J, Li L, Gao M, Zhang L*, He F*. KRAB-type zinc-finger protein Apak specifically regulates p53-dependent apoptosis. Nat. Cell Biol., 2009; 11(5): 580-91.

38.   Lu K#, Yin X#, Weng T, Xi S, Li L, Xing G, Cheng X, Yang X, Zhang L*, He F*. Targeting WW domains linker of HECT-type ubiquitin ligase Smurf1 for activation by CKIP-1. Nat. Cell Biol., 2008; 10(8): 994-1002.



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