夏伟梁,上海交通大学长聘正教授,博士生导师,致远学院副院长, 肿瘤系统医学全国重点实验室兼职课题组长。曾于清华大学、香港大学、美国洛克菲勒大学及加州大学旧金山分校学习和深造。入选上海市科委启明星、上海交大晨星学者、唐立新优秀学者,获教育部“基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0”荣誉奖项-优秀管理人员奖、中华医学科技奖二等奖、上海交通大学教书育人集体奖二等奖及教学成果奖特等奖等荣誉。任中国生物医学工程学会、中国细胞生物学学会、美国癌症研究协会会员;Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids(EVCNA) 副主编,Frontiers in Oncology-Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Associate Editor。曾任中国细胞生物学学会第二届青年工作委员会委员、上海交通大学学术委员会委员(2016-2020年)。
立足医工交叉,聚焦肺癌等难治疾病的机制和诊疗新靶点,研究FGF/FGFR等生长因子信号促进肺癌进展和外泌体生物学及诊疗应用。主持科技部973课题、国家自然科学基金委、医工交叉重点等基金十余项。在Science Translational Medicine, Cell Death & Differentiation、PNAS、Oncogene、Protein Cell、 Biomaterials等发表约130余篇学术论文,H-因子50。
肿瘤进展、治疗抵抗的机制及新靶点发现(Mechanisms of lung/prostate cancer progression and treatment resistance, and discovery of novel targets); 外泌体生物学及其应用(biology of exosome and applications); FGF/FGFR和Sirtuin在肿瘤和组织修复的作用(role of FGF/FGFR and sirtuin in cancer and tissue repair)。
1. Chen Z, Ji W, Feng W, Cui J, Wang Y, Li F, Chen J, Guo Z, Xia L, Zhu X, Niu X, Zhang Y, Li Z, Wong AS, Lu S*, Xia W*. PTPRT loss enhances anti-PD-1 therapy efficacy by regulation of STING pathway in non-small cell lung cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2024 Sep 4;16(763):eadl3598. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adl3598.
2. Wu T, Zhang Y, Han Q, Lu X, Cheng Y, Chen J, Sha J, Xia W*. Klotho-beta attenuates Rab8a-mediated exosome regulation and promotes prostate cancer progression. Oncogene. 2023;42:2801-2815.
3. Zhang Y, Wu T, Wang Y, Chen Z, Chen J, Lu S, Xia W*. Reciprocal FGF19-GLI2 signaling induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition to promote lung squamous cell carcinoma metastasis. Cell Oncol. 2023;46:437-450.
4. Tian A, Wu T, Zhang Y, Chen J, Sha J, Xia W*. Triggering pyroptosis enhances the antitumor efficacy of PARP inhibitors in prostate cancer. Cell Oncol. 2023;46:1855-1870.
5. Lu X, Han Q, Chen J, Wu T, Cheng Y, Li F, Xia W*. Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Exosome-like Nanovesicles as a New-Generation Chemotherapy Drug Delivery Platform against Tumor Proliferation. J Agri Food Chem. 2023; 71:8413-8424.
6. Cheng Y, Lu X, Li F, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Han Q, Zeng Q, Wu T, Li Z, Lu S, Williams C, Xia W*. NDFIP1 limits cellular TAZ accumulation via exosomal sorting to inhibit NSCLC proliferation. Protein Cell. 2023;14:123-136.
7. Han Q, Xie QR, Li F, Cheng Y, Wu T, Zhang Y, Lu X, Wong AST, Sha J*, Xia W*. Targeted inhibition of SIRT6 via engineered exosomes impairs tumorigenesis and metastasis in prostate cancer. Theranostics. 2021;11:6526-6541.
8. Yang X, Zhang Y, Geng K, Yang K, Shao J, Xia W*. Sirt3 protects against ischemic stroke injury by regulating HIF-1α/VEGF signaling and blood–brain barrier integrity. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2021;41: 1203-1215.
9. Li F, Li Z, Han Q, Chen Y, Ji W, Yang Y, Lu S, Xia W*. Enhanced autocrine FGF19/FGFR4 signaling drives the progression of lung squamous cell carcinoma, which responds to mTOR inhibitor AZD2104. Oncogene. 2020; 37:3507–3521.
10. Cheng Y, Zeng Q, Han Q, Xia W*. Effect of pH, temperature and freezing-thawing on quantity changes and cellular uptake of exosomes. Protein Cell. 2019; 10:295-299.
11. Liu J, Liu Y, Shao J, Li Y, Qin L, Shen H, Xie Y, Xia W*, Gao WQ*. Zeb1 is important for proper cleavage plane orientation of dividing progenitors and neuronal migration in the mouse neocortex. Cell Death Differ.2019; 26:2479-2492.
12. Lu T, Li Z, Yang Y, Ji W, Yu Y, Niu X, Zeng Q, Xia W*, Lu S*. The Hippo/YAP1 pathway interacts with FGFR1 signaling to maintain stemness in lung cancer. Cancer Lett. 2018; 423:36-46.
13. Wang K, Ji W, Yu Y, Li Z, Niu X, Xia W*, Lu S*. FGFR1-ERK1/2-SOX2 axis promotes cell proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and metastasis in FGFR1-amplified lung cancer. Oncogene. 2018; 37:5340-5354.
14. Shao J, Yang X, Liu T, Zhang T, Xie QR, Xia W*. Autophagy induction by SIRT6 is involved in oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death. Protein Cell. 2016, 7:281-290.
15. Chen Y, Gu H*, Zhang DS, Li F, Liu T, Xia W*.Highly effective inhibition of lung cancer growth and metastasis by systemic delivery of siRNA via multimodal mesoporous silica-based nanocarrier. Biomaterials. 2014;35:10058-10069.
16. Xie QR, Liu Y, Shao J, Yang J, Liu T, Zhang T, Wang B, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY, Xia W*. Male contraceptive Adjudin is a potential anti-cancer drug. Biochem Pharmacol 2013; 85:345-355.
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