
  • 顾冬云(兼职)

    顾冬云教授,博士,博士导师。上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院教授级高工、PC28开奖网 和上海大学转化医学研究院兼职教授,上海交通大学人体运动生物力学中英联合实验室主任、上海交通大学数字医学临床转化教育部工程研究中心副主任,中华医学会数字医学分会常务委员, 中国医师协会骨科医师分会基础临床应用学组副组长等。担任IEEE Transactions on Neural System & Rehabilitation Engineering 杂志副主编、国际人类工效学(IEA)跌倒(STF) 技术专委会中国区负责人。顾冬云师从戴尅戎院士和陈亚珠院士,长期从事骨科生物力学、康复医学工程、可穿戴智能医疗技术等医工交叉科研工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金、科技部国际合作项目、上海市科委重大科技攻关项目、上海市科委科技支撑项目等,发表期刊论文70余篇,主编《国家十一五重点图书:骨折分类三维图典》、主译关节运动功能专著《骨关节功能解剖学》3部、授权国家发明专利6项、软件著作权6项,其中开发的骨折分类软件已实现成果转化。顾冬云近年来主攻步态及运动生物力学研究,包括骨科和神经系统疾病相关的异常和病理步态的临床研究,先后赴加拿大多伦多大学康复研究所、英国索尔福特大学健康科学研究中心、美国梅奥医学中心开展学术交流与合作,于2016年建立人体运动生物力学中英联合实验室,组织举办全国步态生物力学继续教育学习班和上海国际运动生物力学与临床转化会议,并担任大会主席,积极推动我国步态运动生物力学的临床转化研究,取得良好反响。

    Dr. Dongyun Gu is currently Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and has a joint appointment with the School of Biomedical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. She is the Deputy Director of Engineering Research Center of Digital Medicine of the Ministry of Education, China. Dr. Gu received her BS in computer science at Shanghai University, MS and PhD in biomedical engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests include gait and movement disorder analysis, neuro-musculoskeletal biomechanics, wearable technologies, machine learning and rehabilitation engineering. Her research group investigates human gait and balance disorder affected by physical disability, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal pathology and age-related diseases, with a goal of developing rehabilitation interventions and improving clinical decision-making. They also focus on the development of wearable technologies for human movement monitoring, fall risk assessment and deep-learning based human pathological gait recognition. Dr. Gu is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, the Member of Standing Committee of Digital Medicine of Chinese Medical Association and the core member of the STF (Slips, Trips and Falls) Technical Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) responsible for China region.


2019 Visiting Scholar,Motion Analysis Lab, Mayo Clinic, USA

2014 Visiting Scholar, Centre for Health Sciences Research, University of Salford, UK

2012 Visiting Scholar, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto University, Canada

2007 -2011 Ph.D.in Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2003 -2005 Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1984-1988 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Shanghai Science and Technology


2006- Engineering Research Center of Digital Medicine and Clinical Translation, Ministry of Education of China & School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1995- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine



1.   国家自然科学基金国际合作项目: “面向老年运动健康需求的可穿戴前沿技术”中英双边研讨会 12081330497,2021-2022. 课题负责人

2.   国文化协会基金:A Mobile and Open learning and networking platform for Science and Engineering (MOSE platform),2021-2025. 中方负责人

3.   上海市科委科学仪器领域项目:三维运动捕捉分析系统的规范化操作流程及常模数据库建立 20142203000,2020-2022.课题负责人

4.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于脑肌步态同步耦合分析的帕金森病冻结步态的物理干预作用与机制研究11972233, 2020/1-2023/12,课题负责人

5.   上海市科委科技支撑项目:帕金森病冻结步态监测与激光视觉助行的可穿戴式智能医疗设备研制16441908200,2016/9-2019/9,课题负责人

6.  上海交通大学医学院转化医学协同创新项目:可穿戴式步态智能监测设备的研制及其在神经运动功能康复中的应用 2016/9-2018/9,课题负责人

7.   上海市科委科技支撑项目:移动终端式三维运动无线监测与评估共性技术研究13441902900,2013/9 -2016/9,课题负责人

8.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:髋关节非球面解剖形态结构及其生物力学机制的研究31170901 2012/1 -2015/12,课题负责人

9.   科技部国际合作项目: 智能型移动与搬运病人护理设备的试制与临床验证2009DFA32500,2009/9—2012/9,课题负责人


1.  Yuqian Zhang, He Wang, Yifei Yao, Jianren Liu, Xuhong Sun, Dongyun Gu. Walking stability in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: an objective assessment using wearable accelerometers and machine learning. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2021;18(1):56

2.  Yuqian Zhang, Weiwu Yan, Yifei Yao, Jamirah Bint Ahmed, Yuyan Tan, Dongyun Gu. Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Patients with Parkinsons Disease by Identifying Impaired Gait Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020;28(3):591-600

3.  Yaqiang Li, Yu Wu, Yiming Zeng, Dongyun Gu. Biomechanical differences before and after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in patients with semilunar and discoid lateral meniscus injury. Am J Transl Res 2020;12(5)

4.   Liang Tang, Wei Xu, Zhikun Li, Yu Chen, Haojie Chen, Ronghua Yu, Xiaodong Zhu, Dongyun Gu. Quantitative gait analysis for laser cue in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait. Ann Transl Med. 2019;7(14):324

5.   Li Y, Xu Y, Liu Y, Wang Z, Chen W, Duan L, Gu D. Decellularized cartilage matrix scaffolds with laser-machined micropores for cartilage regeneration and articular cartilage repair. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 2019, 105:110139

6.   Li Y, Liu Y, Xun X, Zhang W, Xu Y, Gu D. Three-Dimensional Porous Scaffolds with Biomimetic Microarchitecture and Bioactivity for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019, 11(40):36359-36370

7.    Yu Wu, An-Min Liu, Kerong Dai, Dongyun Gu. Local Dynamic Stability of the Locomotion of Lower Extremity Joints and Trunk During Backward Upslope Walking. Journal of Motor Behavior, 2019;51(6):587-599


2011- Member of Standing Committee of Digital Medicine of Chinese Medical Association

2019- Associator editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural System &Rehabilitation Engineering

2021- Core member of STF (Slips, Trips and Falls) Technical Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA)


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办公地址:教三楼 223室
