
  • 王富

    博士,长聘教轨副教授、博士生导师。2006年于内蒙古大学取得理学学士,2011年获得中科院理化技术研究所理学博士,2010-2011年获得中德联合培养项目,于德国马普高分子所学习,合作导师Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Knoll。获得中科院院长优秀奖学金、中科院优秀毕业生等荣誉。2011-2014年分别在德国马普生物物理化学研究所,合作导师Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hell (2014年诺贝尔化学奖得主)、德国弗莱堡大学,合作导师Prof. Dr. Bernd Fakler研究组从事博士后研究工作。荣获第十一批国家青年特聘专家,在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano等期刊发表论文六十多篇,授权发明专利十多项。主持国家自然科学基金项目、科技部重点研发项目课题、中科院科研装备研制等项目。担任中国生物医学工程学会生物医学光子学分会委员,中国光学学会生物医学光子学分会委员;任中国激光杂志社、BMEMat、JIOHS等期刊青年编委。


1. 超分辨荧光与光谱成像

2. 多模态光学诊疗


1.“双光子-受激发射损耗(STED)复合显微镜,科技部重点研发专项 数字诊疗装备研发,课题负责人,441万。

2. “基于单一激光器的可调双色及双光子超分辨显微镜,中科院科研装备研制项目,项目负责人,180万。

3.“实时原位超分辨光学成像关键问题研究”, 科技部重点研发专项“工程科学与综合交叉”,子课题负责人,76万。

4. “基于功能纳米材料的食品中农兽药残留物脱除技术研究”, 科技部重点研发专项 食品安全关键技术研发,子课题负责人,60万。



 (1)   Han, Z.; Tranca, D.; Rodríguez-Hernández, F.; Jiang, K.; Zhang, J.; He, M.; Wang, F. *; Han, S.; Wu, P.; Zhuang, X. * Embedding Ru Clusters and Single Atoms into Perovskite Oxide Boosts Nitrogen Fixation and Affords Ultrahigh Ammonia Yield Rate. Small 2023, 2208102.

(2)   Zhao, D.; Huang, X.; Tian, Y.; Zou, J.; Wang, F. *; Chen, X. * Fluorescence Imaging-Incorporated Transcriptome Study of Glutathione Depletion-Enhanced Ferroptosis Therapy via Targeting Gold Nanoclusters. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15(5), 6385–6396

(3)   Peng, Y.; Gao, L.; Pidamaimaiti, G.; Zhao, D.; Zhang, L.; Yin, G.; Wang, F. * Facile Construction of Highly Luminescent and Biocompatible Gold Nanoclusters by Shell Rigidification for Two-Photon PH-Edited Cytoplasmic and in Vivo Imaging. Nanoscale 2022, 14 (23), 8342–8348.

(4)   Huang, X.; Zha, F.; Zou, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, F. *; Chen, X. * Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Synergistic Photothermal/Radiotherapy Using Plasmonic Bi/Bi2O3−x Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 2113353.

(5)   Tian, Y.; Zhao, D.; Huang, X.; Guan, X.; Wang, F. *; Wei, X. * Extended π-Conjugative Carbon Nitride for Single 1064 Nm Laser-Activated Photodynamic/Photothermal Synergistic Therapy and Photoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (6), 7626–7635.

(6)   Huang, X.; Zhang, W.; Peng, Y.; Gao, L.; Wang, F. *; Wang, L. *; Wei, X. * A Multifunctional Layered Nickel Silicate Nanogenerator of Synchronous Oxygen Self-Supply and Superoxide Radical Generation for Hypoxic Tumor Therapy. ACS Nano 2022, 16 (1), 974–983.

(7)   Peng, Y.; Huang, X.; Wang, F. * Near-Infrared Emitting Gold–Silver Nanoclusters with Large Stokes Shifts for Two-Photon in Vivo Imaging. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57 (96), 13012–13015.

(8)   Lan, J.; Feng, B.; Wu, X.; Yang, L.; Liu, J.; Shi, G. *; Wang, F. * Aptamer-Modified Silver Nanoclusters for Fluorescence Detection of Intracellular 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3 (2), 1332–1338.

(9) Huang, Y.; Tian, Y.; Shu, J.; Wang, F. *; Wei, X. * Oxygen Self-Enriched Single-Component “Black Carbon Nitride” for near-Infrared Phototheranostics. Nanoscale 2020, 12 (42),

(10)  Wu, X.; Shu, J.; Feng, B.; Yang, L.; Lan, J.; Li, F.; Xi, P.; Wang, F. *One-Step Synthesis of Novel Phosphorus Nitride Dots for Two-Photon Imaging in Living Cells. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55 (32), 4719–4722.


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