张诗宜,男,1986年出生,博士,国家级青年人才项目获得者,PC28开奖网 长聘副教授,博士生导师。2008年本科毕业于北京大学的化学与分子工程学院。2013年毕业于美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学,师从Karen Wooley院士,主要研究方向为可降解高分子材料的生物应用。2013-2016年,在美国麻省理工学院三院院士(科学院,工程院,医学院)Robert Langer教授课题组从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为胃肠道药物缓控释。在Nature Materials, Science Translational Medicine, Science Advances, Nature Communications, eLife, Journal of the American Chemical Society, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Macromolecules and ACS Macro Letters等顶级学术期刊发表论文40余篇。申请专利20多项,技术成功转让10多项。他帮助成立生物技术公司Lyndra,将新型的长效口服新剂型推进到了临床三期。他主导成立了生物技术公司OnQuality(岸阔医药),将多个治疗副作用的药物推进到了临床阶段。目前的研究方向主要围绕着抗癌药物的副作用,口服不吸收药物展开。研究思路是做原创的,有趣的,有临床意义的研究。
Tian, M.; Mu, X.; Fan, D.; Liu, Z.; Liu, Q.; Yue, K.; Song, Z.; Luo, J.; Zhang, S.* "A Transformable Mucoadhesive Microgel Network for Noninvasive Multimodal Imaging and Radioprotection of a Large Area of the Gastrointestinal Tract" Adv. Mater. , 2023 Accepted
Xiang, J.; Wang, H.; Tao, Q.; Li, W.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, L.; Zhang, S.* " CDK4/6 inhibitor modulating active and quiescent intestinal stem cells for prevention of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea" J. Pathol. , 2023 Accepted
Yang, B.; Xie, X.; Wu, Z.; Lv, D.;Hu, J.; Chen, Y.; Li, J.; Li, J.; Luo, S.; Luo, J.; Zhang, S.* "DNA damage-mediated cellular senescence promotes hand–foot syndrome that can be relieved by thymidine prodrug" Genes Dis. , 2022 Accepted
Yang, B.; Xie, X.; Lv, D.; Hu, J.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Z.; Luo, S.; Zhang, S.* "Capecitabine induces hand-foot syndrome through elevated thymidine phosphorylase-mediated locoregional toxicity and GSDME-driven pyroptosis that can be relieved by tipiracil" Br. J. Cancer, 2022 128(2), 219-231.
Yang, J.; Wang, X.; Wang, B.*; Park, K.*; Wooley K. L.*; Zhang, S.* "Challenging the fundamental conjectures in nanoparticle drug delivery for chemotherapy treatment of solid cancers" Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 2022 109, 114525
Tian, M.; Fan, D.; Liu, Z.; Mu, X.; Tao, Q.; Yu, C.; Zhang, S.* "Oral Supramolecular Adsorbent for Preventing Chemo-Induced Gastrointestinal Mucositis & Microbial Dysbiosis and for Enhancing Chemoimmunotherapy" Adv. Mater., 2022 Dec;34(50):e2205299.
Chen, L.; You, Q.; Liu, M.; Li, S.; Wu, Z.; Hu, J.; Ma, Y.; Xia, L.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, N.*; Zhang, S.* "Remodeling of dermal adipose tissue alleviates cutaneous toxicity induced by anti-EGFR therapy" eLife, 2022 (11): e72443
Xie, X.; Chen, L.; Liu X.; Wu, Z.; Lv, D.; Ma, Y.; Luo, J.; Zhang, S.* "Prophylactic effect of nitric oxide donors on rat models of EGFR inhibitors induced-cutaneous toxicities" J. Invest. Dermatol., 2022. May 23; S0022-202X(22)00399-2.
Chen, L.; Wu, Z.; Yang, L.; Chen, Y.; Wang, W.; Cheng, L.; Li, C.; Lv, D.; Xia, L.; Chen, J.; Tang, L.*; Zhang, L.*; Zhang, S.*; Luo, J.* "Nitric Oxide in Multikinase Inhibitor-induced Hand-Foot Skin Reaction" Transl. Res., 2022, 245: 82-98
Chen, L.; You, Q.; Lv, D.; Li, S.; Zhang, S.* "GPCR-mediated EGFR transactivation ameliorates skin toxicities induced by afatinib" Acta. Pharmacol. Sin., 2021, 43: 1534–1543
Tian, M.; Xing, R.; Guan, J.; Yang, B.; Zhao, X.; Yang, J.; Zhan, C.*; Zhang, S.* "A Nanoantidote Alleviates Glioblastoma Chemotoxicity without Efficacy Compromise" Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 12, 5158-5166
Zhao, X.; Zhang, H.; Li, J.; Tian, M.; Yang, J.; Sun, S.; Hu, Q.; Yang, L.; Zhang, S.*;"Orally administered saccharide-sequestering nanocomplex to manage carbohydrate metabolism disorders" Sci. Adv., 2021, 7, 14, eabf7311
Bellinger, A. M.*; Jafari, M.*; Grant, T. M.*; Zhang, S. *; Slater, H.; Wenger, E.; Mo, S.; Lee, Y-A. L.; Mazdiyasni, H.; Kogan, L.; Barman, R.; Cleveland, C.; Booth, L.; Bensel, T.; Minahan, D.; Hurowitz, H. M.; Tai, T.; Daily, J.; Nikolic, B.; Wood, L.; Eckhoff, P.; Langer, R.; Traverso, G. "Oral, Ultra–long-lasting Drug Delivery: Application Toward Malaria Elimination Goals" Sci. Transl. Med. , 2016 16;8(365):365ra157 (* equal contribution)
Zhang, S.; Bellinger, A. M.; Glettig, D. L.; Barman, R.; Lee, Y.-A. L.; Zhu, J.; Cleveland, C.; Montgomery, V. A.; Gu, L.; Nash, L. D.; Maitland, D. J.; Langer, R.; Traverso G. "A pH-responsive Supramolecular Polymer Gel as an Enteric Elastomer for Use in Gastric Devices" Nat. Mater., 2015, 14, 1065-1071
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