长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师。2013年获得中国石油大学(华东)学士学位,2014年与2017年分获香港城市大学硕士与博士学位,2017年留组从事博士后研究工作;2018-2022年赴瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)开展科研工作,2022年中加入PC28开奖网
。近年来主要从事光子学生物医学传感理论探索与技术开发等领域的研究工作,提出原创等离激元“光热”双功能生物传感新方法和高性能陶瓷生物医学传感材料,针对生物医学临床应用、集成高通量生物传感、医疗机器人生化传感系统等研究方向,开展理论与应用结合的“医-工-理”交叉研究工作。现已在Chemical Society Reviews、ACS Nano、Adv. Sci.、Adv.
Funct. Mater.、Sci. Adv.、Biosens.
Chem.等国际重要学术期刊上发表论文42篇,单篇论文最高引用数>700次(Web of Science);申获中国及欧美专利5项。研究成果被中国国际电视CGTN、瑞士广播电视SRF等国内外知名媒体报道。
2022-至今 上海交通大学 副教授
2018-2022 苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH Zurich) 博士后/高级研究员
2017-2018 香港城市大学 博士后/研究助理
- 光电传感技术与器件
- 等离激元传感材料与纳米技术
- 光流控、微流控等高通量生物传感
- 医疗机器人生化传感系统
- 疾病诊断与癌症早筛
Guangyu Qiu*, Xiaole Zhang, Andrew J. deMello*, Maosheng Yao, Junji Cao, Jing Wang*. On-site airborne pathogen detection for infection risk mitigation. Chemical Society Reviews (2023): DOI: 10.1039/D3CS00417A
Min Gao, Yi-Bo Zhao, Zhi-Jun Zhao*, Guangyu Qiu*, Yile Tao, Guochen Bao, Ying Du, Martin Spillmann, Jiukai Tang, Soonhyoung Hwang, Jun-Ho Jeong, and Jing Wang*. Wafer-Scale Gold Nanomesh via Nanotransfer Printing towards a Cost-Efficient Multiplex Sensing Platform. Advanced Materials Technologies (2023): 10.1002/admt.202201758
Guangyu Qiu, Martin Spillmann, Jiukai Tang, Yi-Bo Zhao, Yile Tao, Xiaole Zhang, Heike Geschwindner, Lanja Saleh, Walter Zingg*, Jing Wang*. “On-site quantification and infection risk assessment of airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus via a nanoplasmonic bioaerosol sensing system in healthcare settings” Advanced Science (2022): advs202204774
Guangyu Qiu, Ying Du, Guo, Y., Yingchao Meng, Zhibo Gai, Ming Zhang, Jing Wang*, Andrew deMello*. “Plasmofluidic-based near-field optical trapping of dielectric nano-objects using gold nanoislands sensor chips” ACS Applied Materials & Interface. 2022, 14(42): 47409–47419. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c12651.
Guangyu Qiu, Zhibo Gai, Lanja Saleh, Jiukai Tang, Ting Gui, Gerd A. Kullak-Ublick, and Jing Wang. “Thermoplasmonic-assisted cyclic cleavage amplification for self-validating plasmonic detection of SARS-CoV-2.” ACS Nano 15, no. 4 (2021): 7536-7546.
Ranxue Yu, Guangyu Qiu*, Yi-Bo Zhao, Denise Freudemann, Beatrice Fisher, Xinhou Wang*, Jing Wang*. ” A portable and smartphone-based plasmonic system for on-site measurement of airborne redox-active compounds by light-initiated redox reaction” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 371 (2022): 132505.
Tang, Jiukai, Guangyu Qiu*, and Jing Wang*. “Recent Development of Optofluidics for Imaging and Sensing Applications.” Chemosensors 10, no. 1 (2022): 15.
Yu, Ranxue, Fei Pan, Claudia Schreine, Xinhou Wang, David M. Bell, Guangyu Qiu*, and Jing Wang*. “Quantitative Determination of Airborne Redox-Active Compounds Based on Heating-Induced Reduction of Gold Nanoparticles.” Analytical Chemistry 93, no. 44 (2021): 14859-14868.
Guangyu Qiu, Zhibo Gai, Yile Tao, Jean Schmitt, Gerd A. Kullak-Ublick, and Jing Wang. “Dual-functional plasmonic photothermal biosensors for highly accurate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 detection.” ACS Nano 14, no. 5 (2020): 5268-5277. (ESI-1% Highly Cited Paper, ESI-0.1% Hot Paper) (ESI高被引论文、ESI热点论文)
Guangyu Qiu, Yang Yue, Jiukai Tang, Yi-Bo Zhao, and Jing Wang. “Total bioaerosol detection by a Succinimidyl-Ester-functionalized Plasmonic biosensor to reveal different characteristics at three locations in Switzerland.” Environmental Science & Technology 54, no. 3 (2020): 1353-1362.
Abhimanyu Thakur, Guangyu Qiu, Chen Xu, Xiongqi Han, T. Yang, S. P. Ng, K. W. Y. Chan, Chi-Man Lawrence Wu, and Y. Lee. “Label-free sensing of exosomal MCT1 and CD147 for tracking metabolic reprogramming and malignant progression in glioma.” Science advances 6, no. 26 (2020): eaaz6119.
Qiu, Guangyu, Abhimanyu Thakur, Chen Xu, Siu‐Pang Ng, Youngjin Lee, and Chi‐Man Lawrence Wu. “Detection of Glioma‐Derived Exosomes with the Biotinylated Antibody‐Functionalized Titanium Nitride Plasmonic Biosensor.” Advanced Functional Materials 29, no. 9 (2019): 1806761.
Guangyu Qiu, Siu Pang Ng, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. “Label-free surface plasmon resonance biosensing with titanium nitride thin film.” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 106 (2018): 129-135.
Guangyu Qiu, Siu Pang Ng, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. “Bimetallic Au-Ag alloy nanoislands for highly sensitive localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing.” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 265 (2018): 459-467.
Abhimanyu Thakur#, Guangyu Qiu#, N. G. Siu-Pang, Jintao Guan, Jianbo Yue, Youngjin Lee, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. “Direct detection of two different tumor-derived extracellular vesicles by SAM-AuNIs LSPR biosensor.” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 94 (2017): 400-407.
Ng, Siu Pang, Guangyu Qiu, Ning Ding, Xiaoqing Lu, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. “Label-free detection of 3-nitro-l-tyrosine with nickel-doped graphene localized surface plasmon resonance biosensor.” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 89 (2017): 468-476.
Guangyu Qiu, Siu Pang Ng, Xiongyi Liang, Ning Ding, Xiangfeng Chen, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. “Label-free LSPR detection of trace lead (II) ions in drinking water by synthetic poly (mPD-co-ASA) nanoparticles on gold nanoislands.” Analytical Chemistry 89, no. 3 (2017): 1985-1993.
Guangyu Qiu; Ng, S. P.; Wu, L. C. M.*, Dielectric functionalization for differential phase detecting localized surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2016, 234, 247-254. (IF=9.221)
Guangyu Qiu; Ng, S. P.; Wu, C. M. L.*, Differential phase-detecting localized surface plasmon resonance sensor with self-assembly gold nano-islands. Opt. Lett. 2015, 40 (9), 1924-1927. (IF=3.56)
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