
BD FACSAria II流式细胞仪
发布时间:2021-04-13 20:45:00

BD FACSAria II流式细胞仪


仪器型号:FACSAria II


1. 细胞群比例测定

2. 细胞因子检测

3. 细胞增殖检测

4. 细胞凋亡检测

5. 细胞杀伤能力的检测

6. 细胞吞噬功能的检测

7. 基因表达的检测

8. 钙相关分子的检测

9.  SP细胞检测

10. 细胞分选




Email:[email protected]

BD FACSAria cell sorter

The BD FACSAria cell sorter is equipped with 3 lasers, which can generate data of up to 15 parameters for each event passing through the interrogation point, and allow sorting of up to 4 different populations simultaneously.

Instrument information:16 Measurement Channels

1. 14 fluorescent channels

2. 2 light scatter channels

3. Area, Height, and Width measurement available for all channels

4. Sorting Nozzle size: nozzle:70um;85um;100um;

Sample collection:

1. 1 to 4-way for tubes;

2. 1 way to slides or dishes;

3. 1 way for 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-well plates

Location: Room 231, Med-X Research Institute, No.3 Teaching Building, Shanghai Jiaotong University, No. 1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai

Contact: Jin Xu

Telephone: 13918130620

Email: [email protected]