Dr. Cunjiang Yu research group at the Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA, USA) currently has multiple PhD and postdoc positions available for Spring/Fall 2022.
宾夕法尼亚州立大学 (University Park, PA, USA) 的余存江教授研究小组目前拥有多个博士和博士后职位,可用于 2022 年春季/秋季。
Candidates with prior training and research experience in at least one of the following areas will be considered as priority.
1. Tissueengineering; bioprinting; organoid1) 组织工程;生物打印;类器官2) 电生理学;神经工程,3) 有机电子;有机场效应效应管;有机光伏;光电探测器;等等。4) 纳米电子学;半导体器件;微电子;光电子学5) 柔性、可拉伸的电子设备;生物集成电子产品;生物传感器6) 纳米材料合成表征、电化学、光催化
If you are interested, please contact [email protected], with your resume, copies of transcripts, and representative publications.
如果您有兴趣,请联系:[email protected],并附上您的简历、成绩单副本和代表性论著。申请时注明:WEST可穿戴电子。
Dr. Yu is the Dorothy Quiggle Career Development Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Materials Research Institute. The group is specialized in flexible and stretchable electronics, bioelectronics, and tissue-electronics hybrids.
For more information, please see the group website: //yuresearch.github.io/
余存江教授是工程科学与力学系、生物医学工程系和材料研究所的 Dorothy Quiggle 职业发展副教授。该课题组专注于柔性和可拉伸电子产品、生物电子产品和组织电子混合产品。更多信息请查看群网址://yuresearch.github.io/
Some recent works from the group:
1. Z. Rao, Y. Lu, Z. Li, K.Sim, Z. Ma, J. Xiao, C. Yu*, Curvy, shape-adaptive imagers based on printed optoelectronic pixels with a kirigami design, Nature Electronics, 4, 513, 2021.
2. K. Sim, F. Ershad, Y. Zhang, P. Yang, H.Shim, Z. Rao, Y. Lu, A. Thukral, A. Elgalad, Y. Xi, B. Tian, D. Taylor, C. Yu*,An epicardial bioelectronic patch made from soft rubbery materials and capable of spatiotemporal mapping of electrophysiological activity, Nature Electronics, 3, 775-784, 2020.
3. F. Ershad, A. Thukral, J. Yue, P.Comeaux, Y. Lu, H. Shim, K. Sim, N. Kim, Z. Rao, R. Guevara, L. Contreras, F.Pan, Y. Zhang, Y. Guan, P. Yang, X. Wang, P. Wang, X. Wu, C. Yu*,Ultra-conformal drawn-on-skin electronics for multifunctional motion artifact-free sensing and point-of-care treatment, NatureCommunications, 11, 3823, 2020.
4. H. Shim, K. Sim, F. Ershad, P. Yang, A.Thukral, Z. Rao, H. Kim, Y. Liu, X. Wang, G. Gu, L. Gao, X. Wang, Y. Chai, C.Yu*, Stretchable elastic synaptic transistors and neurologically integrated engineering systems, Science Advances,5, eaax4691, 2019.
5. K. Sim, Z. Rao, H. Kim, A. Thukral, H. Shim, C. Yu*, Fully rubbery integrated electronics from high effective mobility intrinsically stretchable semiconductors, Science Advances, 5, eaav5479, 2019.