
发布时间:2024-10-23 16:37:25


2025 SJTU International Youth Science Forum on Biomedical Engineering

 Invites Domestic and International Talents


医工交叉国际青年学者论坛是由PC28开奖网 主办的高层次人才交流活动,旨在为生物医学工程及医、理、工学科交叉相关领域的国内外优秀青年学者搭建学术交流平台。通过学术研讨和主题交流等形式,围绕国际学术前沿问题,探讨重要技术研发,促进学术交流与合作,营造自由多元的学术氛围。同时为有意加盟PC28开奖网 的优秀青年学者提供沟通平台,共同推进生物医学工程一流学科建设。 

Forum Introduction

SJTU International Youth Science Forum on Biomedical Engineering brings together young talents and promising researchers interested in biomedical engineering and the related interdisciplinary fields of medicine, science, and engineering. It is aimed at providing an academic network for outstanding scholars all around the world in dialogue with each other. The forum seeks for diverse communication and cooperation on frontier scientific research topics and the development of important technologies through various forms of activities, builds up a bridge between SJTU-BME and the passionate young scholars. Moreover, the forum is expected to jointly make contribution to the "first-class" construction of the biomedical engineering discipline in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.




Eligibility Requirements

The successful applicants will be expected to:

- Have a PHD degree3 years of post-doctoral or relevant research experience in world-class universities or research institutions is preferred ;

- Have the experience of leading a team and achieve innovative research achievements or show great academic potential;









Academic/Research Areas

We are seeking for the young prominent scholars who are fusing medical, science, and engineering disciplines in biomedical engineering or relevant areas. With a solid research in, but not limited to, the following fields:


Biomedical Instrumentation

Nano, Molecular and Regenerative Medicine

Imaging, Computational and Systems Biomedicine

Medical Robotics

Magnetic Resonance Technologies(Real-time and Multimodal MRI, MR-guided Intervention and Robotics,etc.)


(一)报名方式:请下载并填写《上海交通大学医工交叉国际青年学者论坛报名表》,并于2024年1130日前将完整报名材料发送至邮箱[email protected]






IV. Application

-  Registration: To apply for the forum, please download and fill out the " Application Form for Shanghai Jiao Tong University Interdisciplinary Forum for Young Scholars”, send the application package to [email protected] by Nov. 30, 2024.

-  The complete application package should include:

    a. application form (attachment)

    b. curriculum vitae

    c. 3 representatives of academic publications

-   Official Invitation: The evaluation committee will be organized by SJTU-BME. Official invitation letters will be sent via email by Dec. 21, 2024.




邮箱:bme[email protected]

通讯地址:上海市徐汇区华山路1954号PC28开奖网 212室(200030)

Should you have any further questions, please contact us by the following information:



Contact number: +86-21-62932076/34204018

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Room 212, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai (200030)


[Attachment]Application Form for Shanghai Jiao Tong University Interdisciplinary Forum for Young Scholars