
发布时间:2021-04-13 17:15:00

等温滴定量热仪(Isothermal Titration Calorimetry)

型号:MicroCal? iTC200


ITC是一种通用属性技术(测量热量),广泛应用于二次筛选/hit 验证中快速得到 KD 值,指导优化和表征分子间作用机理。 它还可以用于验证常用参数IC50和EC50的值。 IC50是最大抑制浓度的一半,是化合物在抑制生物学或生化功能中的有效量度。 EC50,是最大有效浓度的一半,通常用作药物效力的量度。 此外,ITC可用于测量和量化涉及热变化的任何过程,例如酶促反应。


ITC is a universal property technique (measure heat) and thus is used across a wide range of applications from measuring affinity values for secondary screening confirmation of hits and hit validation to guiding lead optimization and characterizing mechanism of action. It´s also used to validate the values of the commonly used parameters IC50 and EC50. Briefly you can say that IC50 is the half maximal inhibitory concentration and is a measure of the effectiveness of a compound in inhibiting biological or biochemical function. It is comparable to EC50 which is the half maximal effective concentration, commonly used as a measure of drug´s potency. Furthermore, ITC can be used to measure and quantify any process that involves a heat change, such as an enzymatic reaction.